Useful Links
Alcohol Anonymous / 0 1 842 0700
Aware / Support for people who are affected by depression 1890 303 303
Bodywhys / Support with eating disorders 1890 200 444
CAMHS / Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service 094 904 2656
Charity Regulator / 01 633 1500
Childline / 24 Hour Service 1800 666 666
CRC Radio / Castlebar Local Radio 094 902 7442
Family Resource Centre (Le Cheile) / 094 902 5126
Flourish / Social Prescribing 094 902 5900
Foróige / Dedicated to empowering young people 086 0106200
Gamblers Anonymous / 01 872 1133
Garda / Confidential 1800 666 111 / 999 or 112
Grow / Mental health support group 1890 474 474
Jigsaw / National centres for youth mental health 01 472 7010
MABS / Money Advice Budgeting Service 0818 072 000
Mayo General Hospital Castlebar / 094 9021733
Mayo Mental Health / Mental health information 094-90-38148
Mayo Recovery College / Recovery through learning 086 029 4901
Mental Health Ireland / help with mental health 087 167 9549
MindSpace / Support for young people 094 906 7001
Pieta House / Suicide Helpline 1800 247 247
Rape Crisis Centre / 1 800 778 888
Samaritans / 24 hour confidential help line 116 123
Senior Helpline / 1850 440 444
Support After Homicide / 087 983 7322
Shine / Mental health rights 1890 621 631
Traveller Support Group (Mayo) / 094 902 8400
Westdoc / Out of hours doctor service 1850 365 000